Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Changing Political Economy Of India Essay Example for Free
The Changing Political Economy Of India Essay From 1947 ââ¬â 1990 India had a much closed system of economy. Most of the core industries were controlled by the central government and there were no real competitors. A policy of import substitution in the decades after independence encouraged the development of a broad industrial base, but a lack of competition contributed to poor product quality and inefficiencies in production. During this period India had high restrictions on the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). For those players who wanted to invest, there were too many bureaucratic levels in the Indian political system which has resulted in delays in getting the necessary approvals. For those companies that were able to establish the product lines in India, the true value of the commodities could not be realized as the prices of the commodities were controlled. Though there was improvement in the infrastructure, it was never adequate to serve the ever growing large population. Because the restrictions on the FDI and inadequate funds, development in sectors like transportation and power was slow. Multinational companies operating in India must overcome erratic electricity supplies, poor roads and gridlocked seaports and airports while contending with government policies that discourage hiring and hold back domestic demand for goods in many sectors. The predominance of inefficient state-owned enterprises, particularly in the banking sector, remains a brake on further growth. Since 1990, there were radical changes to the Indian economic system. The economic reforms that started driving the early 1990s have started transforming the Indian economy into an open system of economy. There has been a gradual liberalization of the Public Sector Units. Most of the restrictions on FDI were removed. There were many SEZ (Special Economic Zones) set up across the country to encourage investment in private sector. Government has relaxed limits on foreign investment across most industries. It has also given an opportunity for the big home grown companies to move beyond India. Relaxation of Foreign-exchange controls resulted in multinational companies to be able to invest more freely in India. . India is the second fastest growing economy of the world at present. The strong emergence of private sector in the Indian economy has heightened the pace of development of the pharmaceutical industry in India. The pharmaceutical industry has achieved global recognition as a producer of low cost high quality bulk drugs and formulations. The recent regulatory and much awaited patent laws changes have lead the Indian pharmaceutical industry towards exploring newer avenues of drug development, thus, promising higher capital investment in the pharmaceutical industry in the near future. The Indian pharmaceutical research is backed by strong government support and availability of surplus skilled technical workers. Some of the Indian companies have gone global with presence in 60 countries, including USA, Europe and China. India is one of the top ten producers of bulk drugs in the world and 60% of Indiaââ¬â¢s bulk drugs production is exported. The Indian economyââ¬â¢s growth rate has averaged above 7% over the past three years, yet future expectations for growth are even higher (India Economic Summit, 2006). People generally think that India is over populated. In the current economic scenario, the key strength of India is its population. Now India has the largest educated population in the world. India was among the first developing nations to recognize the importance of software, India already enjoys a fairly strong position in providing IT services. The country offers abundant engineering and technical talent: every year, it produces 400,000 graduate engineers, second only to Chinas 490,000. Companies might also be attracted to India by the increasing availability of reliable suppliers, the chance to escape unrelenting price pressures at home, and the size of the domestic market. LG, for example, plans to make handsets in India to take advantage of its rapidly growing demand for mobile telephones. Although India was late and slow in modernization of industry in general in the past, it is now a front-runner in the emerging ââ¬Å"Knowledge based New Economyâ⬠. From an agro based economy it has emerged as a service oriented one. The unprecedented high level of foreign exchange reserves, the upward trend in FDI inflows and the general growth of the economy have given more confidence and encouragement to the policy-makers in the acceleration of economic reforms and liberalization. Both at the central and state levels and across political parties, in general, there is consensus on further economic liberalization. Now India has a well coordinated government action, a centralized economy that can pour resources into projects and direct the development of entire industries, something that was much harder in Indias sprawling, bureaucratic democracy from 1940-1990. India has focused more on software and services, which can be delivered via networks without bureaucratic interference, unlike physical goods. The sum of Indiaââ¬â¢s total exports and imports amounts to around 25%-30% of its GDP. The Indian government is investing more in infrastructure, health and education, and in improving agricultural productivity. It would have a cumulative effect on the economy. India has the one of the highest number of middle class families in the world. The economic liberalization and a large domestic market will prove to be a very attractive target for the multinationals. Reference: India Economic Summit 2006 India: Meeting New Expectations New Delhi, 26-28 November
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
cost of war Essay -- essays research papers fc
à à à à à The total cost of the war in Iraq is now above 161 billion dollars and is still rising. That is an incredible amount of money that is being put forth to fight an ongoing war against insurgents in Iraq. This money could potentially be put toward finding a solution to some of Americaââ¬â¢s more personal issues, such as the declining amount of government money in schools, the increasing number of people being diagnosed with AIDS, and the increasing poverty level. Putting money towards finding solutions to these issues would make America a better place to live. à à à à à Many schools are being closed down every year due to the lack of money being put into those schools. Some of the money spent on the war could be allocated for these schools in order to keep them open. For example, after the Board of Education announced that thirty-four public schools would close by next fall the executive vice-president, Virginia Cantrell, of the Detroit Federation of Teachers said, ââ¬Å"We are in a crisisâ⬠(Rummel par 2). Cantrell said the loss of more than half of the cityââ¬â¢s population in the past thirty years and the growth of charter schools leaves fewer students in the public school system (Rummel par 2). In addition to keeping the schools open, the money would also help stop other problems such as the lack of teachers and poor teacher-student ratios. In November of 2000, students at Guy Benjamin Elementary School were sent home after the teachers who showed up left(McCracken par 1). The school closed at 11:30 when the principa l had only three staff members remaining to supervise more than 100 students (McCracken par 2). The teachers were striking because of inadequate pay. The Territorial Court Judge ended the three week strike by ordering the teachers to come back to work (McCracken par 3). The money used for the war could be allotted to pay teachers more money to keep the people who currently are teachers and as an incentive to get more people to become teachers. This would eliminate the problem of people not wanting to become teachers solely because teachers do not make enough money. Furthermore, the money could be used to buy needed supplies. Many schools do not have sufficient amounts of books or computers, if any, that are in good condition. The money could also be used to renovate old schools that are in bad condition. Stu... ... such as the budget and social security could benefit from money used for the war in Iraq. Devoting money to solving these problems would not only help solve these problems but would have an effect on Americaââ¬â¢s overall well being. The bottom line is that there is an enormous amount of money being used to fight this war and if the money was used more efficiently, it could not only be used for the war but also be used for the wars that Americans currently battle everyday at home. Works Cited Jeanie Lerche Davis. ââ¬Å"CDC: HIV/AIDS Statistics Up in Americaâ⬠. WebMDHealth. 28 July, 2003. WebMD. 14 April 2005. McCracken, David. ââ¬Å"Benjamin School closes for lack of teachersâ⬠. World History Archives. 8 November 2000. Hartford Web Publishing. 14 April 2005. . Rummel John. ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËDevastatingââ¬â¢ school closings hit Detroitâ⬠. Peopleââ¬â¢s Weekly World. 14 April 2005. Peopleââ¬â¢s Weekly World Newspaper. 14 April 2005. . Siddiqi, Samana. ââ¬Å"Statistics on poverty & food wastage in Americaâ⬠. 26 April 2004. Islamic Information & Products. 14 April 2005. . ââ¬Å"The War in Iraq Costsâ⬠. Cost of War. April, 2003. National Priorities Project. 14 April 2005. .
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Ethan Frome Lit Crit
Marxism is mainly about money and If you don't have money then your not happy and you will be unhappy because you wont have as much as you would like. The narrator needed a ride to his work and he couldn't find anyone someone told him about Ethan, that he will do anything to make a buck. The narrator asked Ethan and he ended up saying yes because he needed the money. When Ethan came back from law school, for good, his mother hired Keenan to take care of her but then people started talking and he felt obligated to marry Keenan In the end.When Ethane's mother died she was worried about money ND what Ethane's dad had done. Ethan worked In his lumber limb that he had and did anything to get a few bucks here and there. Since Keenan ââ¬Å"alwaysâ⬠got sick, since Ethane's mother died, she would spend most of their money to pay for her medical bills and medication. Instead of paying a maid to come and work for them Keenan was able to get Mattie to help her for free because Mattie didn 't have anyone after her parents died except her cousin Keenan. The first time Ethan picked up Mattie to him It felt like love at first sight when they first met her.Even though It was love at iris sight he TLD realize that It was going to be another person to feed even with the little money he was making from the lumber limb. Financially he had to make a way to provide to feed an extra person. Ever since Ethan met Mattie and when they would hang out he felt less stress about money. He kept wanting to leave with Mattie but never could because he couldn't leave Keenan just like that. He was afraid of what people might look at it. If Ethan was able to leave Keenan Just like the man who left his wife for his mistress he would.As much as he wanted to do so he felt bad to leave ere after all he did bring her to the house and now he's Just going to leave her with a house with bills that she couldn't afford to pay and she wouldn't able to sell it. The economy was down in town and people we ren't able to pay for or buy a house. The economy was down to a point where people were barely making it. Jobs were being lost. Some people couldn't afford a lot of food because they needed to have a house. This relates to Ethan From because Ethan was one of those people who couldn't make a lot of money.Ethan had trouble getting Just a little extra cash on the side Just o afford something for themselves. Ethan From Is a good example of Marxism because it shows that people of the lower class are always unhappy unless they have money with them. In this book it tells you that money is what makes people happy. If people didn't have money they would be stressing out and have house situations. The economy is based on money. Money keeps the economy going and when it goes down everybody struggles to make a living. Ethan From showed a form AT Marxism Decease social class. Outnumber ten story people Autocue mainly on money Ana t
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1046 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Dante's Inferno Essay Did you like this example? I am the way into the city of woe. I am the way to a forsaken people. I am the way into eternal sorrow. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri" essay for you Create order Sacred justice moved my architect. I was raised here by divine omnipotence, Primordial love, and ultimate intellect. Only those elements time cannot wear Were made before me, and beyond the time I stand. Abandon all hope ye who enter here(Aligheri). No matter what walk of the world your mortal existence appears from, no matter the language of which you speak, the color of your skin or even the level of education you have; you have heard of the famous Dante Alighieri in some way, shape or form. Dantes life and works resound through our lives long after his death and his words echo in our speech more than most will ever realize. Dante Alighieri was born on May 21, 1265, in Florence Italy from his mother Bella degli Abati and father Alighiero di Bellincione. Dante was born into a family whom not only was very upfront about their beliefs on anything and everything but was also born into a family with strong political ties and influence, leading him into a very political lifestyle that equally influenced his everyday decisions as well as his writings. Dantes mother died only a few years after her sons birth and at the age of only 12 young Dante was set into an arranged marriage to the daughter of a family friend, Gemma Donati. However, the marriage was never meant to be as young Dante was madly in love with another young woman, Beatrice Portinari, who would later become his muse and main backbone of Dantes Divine Comedy. Dante and Beatrice met when Beatrice was only nine years of age and Dante apparently experienced love at first sight when he met her. They were acquainted for many years but Dantes love went unrequited by the young woman and he could love her only from afar. Beatrice died unexpectedly in 1290 effectively breaking Dantes heart and five years later Dante published Vita Nuova (The New Life) which details his tragic love for the now departed Beatrice. Around the time of Beatrices death, Dante began to immerse himself in the study of philosophy and the machinations of the Florentine political scene. Florence at this time and age was a tumultuous city, with political factions that remained in constant war with each other, Dante held a number of political posts in these factions and was widely viewed for his political influence. In 1302, however, he fell out of favor and was exiled for life by the leaders of the Black Guelphs (among them, Corso Donati, a distant relative of Dantes wife), the political faction in power at the time and who were in league with Pope Boniface VIII(Sitar). Dante may have been driven out of Florence, but this would be the beginning of his most productive artistic period. After Dante was chased out of Florence he spent his time traveling and writing, during this time he wrote and completed one of his most famous works, The Divine Comedy. As well as during his exile he removed himself completely from the political scene as he no longer wished to be a part of the lifestyle he had been forced to leave behind. In 1304, Dante travels to Bologna where he began his Latin treatise De Vulgari Eloquentia (Eloquent Vernacular), in which he urged that courtly Italian, used for amatory writing, be enriched with aspects of every spoken dialect in order to establish Italian as a serious literary language(Kane). The work was unfortunately never completed and will remain a remnant of what could have been. In March 1306, Florentine exiles were expelled from Bologna, and Dante was forced out once more from a place he called home(Kane). Before long he ended up in Padua before his whereabouts were lost for a few years. There are reports he possibly was around Paris but n othing of those has been fully set in stone. In 1308, Henry of Luxembourg was elected emperor as Henry VII. Full of optimism about the changes this election could bring to Italy Dante wrote his famous work on the monarchy, De Monarchia, in three books, in which he claims that the authority of the emperor is not dependent on the pope but descends upon him directly from God(Kane). However, this optimism was short-lived as enemies of the monarchy quickly gained ground and found new strength threatening his power and ascension to the throne. Dante learned that most of these enemies were actually members of the Florentine government, Dantes former home, and he was quick to call out their actions which in turn had him permanently banned from the city. Around this time, The Divine Comedy is a story about human life shown as a trip through the Christian afterlife. Dante wrote the book as a warning against the corruption of society that slowly was steering itself into destruction. The poetic work of The Divine Comedy was written in a first-person narrative and follows Dantes own journey through the Christian realms of the dead: Hell, Purgatory and finally Heaven. The famous poet Virgil guides Dante through Hell and Purgatory, while Beatrice guides him through Heaven(Kane). The journey lasts from Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300 (placing it before Dantes factual exile from Florence, which looms throughout the Inferno and serves as an undercurrent to the poets journey)(Phillips). Dantes Divine Comedy has thrived through the ages, remaining a popular work for more than six hundred and fifty years and has been considered a major work of writing. Dante himself is revered by poets, authors, and people for his works and there was even a biography written on this great author by Giovanni Boccaccio in 1373(Sanders). The work is a major part of the Western canon, and T.S. Eliot, who was greatly influenced by Dante, put Dante in a class with only one other poet of the modern world, Shakespeare, saying that they divide the modern world between them. There is no third(Kane). Dantes works will continue to influence the world now and for many hundreds of years in the future and we will continue to pass on his story and works for many years to come.
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